Sunday 9 February 2014

It's been 3 years since I've been making a blog, haha ...  Okay, so first of all, before I write, I want you all to know that this is PURELY MY OPINION, it's okay is you disagree. I acknowledge and respect that everyone have their own perspective of this subject. Comments are welcome :).

Okay so now, I'm already 18 years old, still schooling in ITE taking up Electrical Engineering course. It wasn't my choice. I don't like subjects that uses maths that are wayyyyy to advance for me to understand. You see, Since I was 11, I kept failing my maths, but I kept thinking that it'll help me in the future. As I grew up to secondary school level, I kept wondering whether what I'm studying would actually be useful in the future. After N levels almost all the teachers ask me to take O levels just because I got 13 points, which I find impossible to go, knowing my strength and weakness in studies.

If N levels are stressful, confirm O levels are harder!! Or maybe I'm just stupid. I failed my history, social studies, maths, physics and chemistry. I thought my life was over when I got the results, but no fortunately. If I failed my exam where would I go?? Because in Singapura, the only way to have a good life is through education, if i failed it, I'll have shitty jobs and can't earn much as the cost of living goes up high it's like WE'RE NOT LIVING BUT SURVIVING HERE.

It's really stress to think whether I can make it or not, but the thing is....even if I manage to complete my studies will I get the job I want AND apply things that I learnt in school?? You see, even when you go for and interview for jobs, I don't understand why the system, gives interviews, searching for specific answers that most people don't know?? And how the hell people suppose to know about it?? Why not ask direct questions?? Does that mean, if we have to take a course to pass the interview just to get employed, wouldn't it be waste of money?? You have to spend a lot on the courses even if you don't work and then get a pay that is barely enough for you?? (I'm talking about people who is average or poor in their studies like me)

It's funny how come what we learnt in school don't really apply in real life situation for MOST CASES, depending on your jobs lah. SO, what's the sole purpose of school?? Government's way to earn money?? I felt that mostly that they taught us in school are irrelevant things just to filled up our time!!! Like social studies for example, why do we have to memorize the whole essay?? Not just one but around 4!! TBH, I didn't even read a single essay for my history and social studies N level exams and I felt like giving up. You wanna know why I do that?? Because I find it bullshit to have a choice that either I memorize all 4 essays or gamble and memorize only 2 essays that were actually tested. I don't understand what the fuck they want to test us!! Were they testing my memory or the understanding of the topic?? I'm NOT some genius to memorize everything unlike some of my friends.

In fact, those algebras that we learn are meant ONLY for a CERTAIN area of jobs like engineers and architects. Let's say when you grow up you want to be a great chef in your own restaurant, do you have to use those subjects or topics in history and advance maths?? NO RIGHT?? If we happen to choose other area of jobs?? Why must we learn it?? If BASIC algebra I can understand lah, but must study so complex for what!! It's like NO MATTER what job you want, you'll go through a series of BULLSHIT TEST THAT DOESN'T DEFINE YOURSELVES OR RELEVANT TO YOUR JOB!!

It's funny that they ask you "what do you want to be" then puts you in a school where you LEARN NOTHING about what you wanna be!!! WHY?? To simplify what I said, we have no freedom of choice!! We're just wasting our time into meaningless projects that the government throw us in AND earned that from our parents' hard earned money!! Our parents expect highly of us, thinking we study for our future but we don't even know what we're doing in school!!

I feel like we're all CHEATED. The school is like a 'filtration' process for the high demand jobs. Those who are "weak" and "stupid" like me will be thrown to other low wage jobs. It's like MOST of us are "learning" in school for a job that doesn't even exist yet for us!! That's why there are so many unemployment for people like me.

And a school is fucking bias, it is a place to learn, not a place to compete knowledge that is NOT necessary or interested by students.!!! If you makes things like that there'll be NO TRUE EDUCATION, because students will study just for the sake to pass the subjects!! And if the students are cheating in exams, it shows the IMPORTANCE of getting the work done RATHER than they have the initiatives to understand what they are learning. I mean, it's not totally wrong to learn other subjects which is not so relevant to our dream jobs like history social studies, of course we must learn more of our past and country so that the same bad things won't happen again in the future. But to make that subjects accountable in your exams is bullshit!!

AND being about to understand and apply immediately is an ABILITY!! NOT ALL people have that ability, because DIFFERENT PEOPLE HAVE DIFFERENT ABILITIES!!! And I find it UNFAIR to compete with each other like that. It's like a handicap match. WHAT IF, the concept of school is changed to a physical endurance kind of school. All the students are to attend schools like this. Student that will succeed of course will be the fitter students, and the not so fit or average can train themselves but still cannot achieve as the top students. WHY?? Because they don't have the ability like them, maybe most of them have short and weak arms and legs?? That's how unfair it is.

Let me give you another concept. IS IT FAIR TO TEST ANIMALS' ABILITIES BASED ON THEM CLIMBING A TREE BETWEEN AN ELEPHANT, MONKEY AND A FISH?? WHO DO U THINK WILL MAKE IT?? Of course it's the monkey right?? Because it's their speciality to climb trees!! That's why you don't have to feel upset when you can't keep up with your studies, maybe it's isn't your ability at all.

So, if you're the fish, good luck to you man!! What to do, this is Singapura, the only way to SURVIVE here is through education but even your education is trying to FUCK YO UP. That's why I'm so fucking fed up and I wanna migrate from this hellhole.I hate everything. I feel cheated. I've wasted a lot of years in my life. I could have done something else and be successful. sigh. I hate that I realized this too early in this age and I have no money to migrate or start up my own business. Always remember, DO WE EXIST IN THIS VAST UNIVERSE JUST TO WAKE UP EARLY AND DO STRESSFUL THINGS THAT WE DON'T LIKE, EVERY SINGLE DAY?? IS IT WORTH IT??

Lastly I think it is possible, easy to say but harder to do, that.......... we should propose our education system where we learn what we want to be in the future. THAT will be much MORE RELEVANT and PRODUCTIVE!!!!! You see we all should go through Primary school as per normal, when it comes to secondary school that's where they should choose their path ways, the first 2 years of secondary schools should be taught the basics of the knowledge they have to know before advancing to 3rd and 4th year, and when they graduate, they should go to a school where they can learn more on hands on with much better facilities. Isn't it more straight forward and direct??

I think that's all I can share today, if you read all of these, I thank you, my English may not be perfect but I hope you'll know what I'm talking about. After all I'm a confused guy always think too much about everything we do everyday. :/

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